Advanced Hypnotherapy
Of Utah
I am sure you or someone you care about needs help. When you call me you’ll find that I am willing to listen and I care.
Hi, my name is Randy Shaw. I’ve been fortunate to have helped hundreds of people overcome all kinds of problems and obtain significant breakthroughs, often with more success than they thought possible. This includes “small” challenges and issues, all the way up to life-crushing problems.
For several examples of success with the Advanced Hypnotherapy I created and evolved, please visit the testimonial pages, both written and video reports.
“With Randy, we were able to dig really deep and discover my real fear of water. I am now able to stand under the shower and allow water to run over my face without freaking out. This is so huge for me and so exciting!”
(From Testimonials Page)
Positive, Life-Changing Improvements
People working with me experience more control and feel safer compared to traditional hypnosis. We get profound results because I work more interactively and respectfully with the subconscious mind (our feeling mind).
Advanced Hypnotherapy is a set of processes that are so modern and effective, I and my former partner taught the system to over 100 hypnosis professionals from around the world.
And so you’ll know: I have personally attained several life-enhancing, healing improvements through Advanced Hypnotherapy. I had to make sure it would work for me before I started offering it to others.
“I have worked with Randy on many occasions . . .
and there is no other that I would trust my deepest
hurts to. He has helped me tremendously in regaining
my sense of self worth through his expertise,
combined with empathy and wisdom.
(From Testimonials Page)
You don’t have to be an expert in the information on this website. When you feel you are ready to talk with me, just call.
Randy Shaw: (801) 671-5270
“Randy’s compassionate approach has allowed me to
open up with trust, and the sessions I have had with
him have helped me create lasting change in my life.”
(From Testimonials Page)
Quick Heads Up: Not all Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are of the same quality.
Traditional Hypnosis is based on a model that is 50 years old and tries to put you “under hypnosis,” into a “trance.”
The way I work is different and modern. Instead of putting people in a trance, I will help you work with your subconscious mind interactively, to get greater cooperation and success. People feel safe working with me because Advanced Hypnotherapy empowers you, and helps you learn how to truly attain control.
“I can finally look at myself in the mirror and be completely happy with what I see; I am not ashamed of myself anymore.
I owe it all to Randy and his persistence to help people move forward in their lives and finally learn to start living a happy life again.”
(From Testimonials page.)
1. The Breakthrough: Modern Interactive Hypnosis
Working with me you won’t lose control, you will learn how to gain control.
People like Hypnotherapy with me because it’s empowering. Yes you’ll have an experience of being in a Hypnotic state, but it’s much more interactive, safe and valuable the way I do it.
My modern processes accurately harmonize with your true personal needs.
2. Advanced Hypnotherapy is Designed to
Resolve Problems at the Roots.
Get to the Root to attain resolution and healing. This is a huge distinction between methods that spend time and effort trying to blow away the smoke instead of putting out the fire. If you don’t get the root of the problem resolved, it can grow back in some form or another. (Example: Dandelion/weeds.)
I’m very good at helping people find the roots of problems through Interactive Hypnosis, and then releasing old feelings and resolving the issues and problems of the past, whether the past was last month, two years ago, or way back in time.
“Life is much improved for me now after several
sessions with Randy. I feel joy and optimism that I
have not experienced in many years. I have made
more progress than in the prior 14 years of trying
to cope and manage my issues.”
(From Testimonials page.)
3. Release the Baggage From The Past:
Feeling Lighter, Liberated, Empowered
The “Baggage of Life” can be from the past and it can be from recent experiences. It’s often ex-spouses and relationships, but our baggage can be any experience of life that bothers us that was left unresolved – meaning we still carry it and it affects us negatively. The more we carry from the past the more weighed down we feel and the more we tend to repeat our mistakes.
Working with me, I can help you safely release the baggage of the past, and set you free to move forward empowered in the Now.
It’s time to let go, get relief and move forward.
“Randy, I was amazed at how fast you helped me let go
the feelings I was holding about my old boy friend.
I had felt miserable for over a year and you helped
me release those feelings in my first session.”
(From Testimonials Page.)
4. The Incredible Power of
Releasing Negative Feelings
Because of the truly incredible power that releasing negative feelings has to create empowering changes, even seemingly miraculous changes, I have made a separate page to help you begin to understand this benefit and advantage of Advanced Hypnotherapy.
Feelings control us more than most people ever realize. That’s because feelings are stronger than thoughts, and strong Negative Feelings can override our clarity, our logic, our good intentions and even our dignity. Carrying negative feelings can really mess up our lives.

When you have read through to the bottom of this page you’ll see the link to the next page that explains and gives examples of The Power of Releasing Negative Feelings. You won’t want to miss it! It is truly Life-Changing.
From Diane (55)
Hi Randy,
I recently spent a weekend with my sister. We used to be very close. We both experienced the same treatment from our mother. When we began talking about the things we were told, I noticed that she is still very angry & hurt by our childhood. However, I remember the situations, but I have overcome my past. I don’t feel the pain anymore & have actually have compassion for my mother. She did the best she could. My mother also revealed to me how she was verbally abused by her mother as well. I see a pattern being broken. I know without a doubt I would not be in this position without your assistance. As time goes by I notice new areas of growth in myself.
Thank you so much!
Special Report:
With Advanced Hypnotherapy she was able to overcome overwhelming anxiety. Hear in her own words how valuable her sessions were to her. (4 minutes.)
More videos are available on the Videos page and over 30 heart-felt testimonies/reports are available on the Testimonials page.
My Promise to You:
I will always treat you in a respectful and professional manner in the hypnotherapy sessions that I conduct. I will make sure that you are safe, and that your session is as productive to helping you as we can make it.
I dedicated the direction of my life in the spring of 2003 to becoming a master of Hypnotherapy, because of its boundless potential to help people significantly enhance and heal their lives.
Can I help you?
My answer is almost always yes, however this question is answered specifically for you only after you have told me about your problem and situation, and how committed you are to changing. I’ll do whatever I can to answer your questions. Only after we have reached the point that we both feel good about working together, will we then make an appointment.
Quick Info:
Advanced Hypnotherapy usually produces significant results in 4 to 6 sessions, about one week apart. Each session produces insights, improvements, relief and progress.
Each new session builds on the success of the last one, creating momentum and producing greater breakthroughs and results that are not just behavior changes but also deeper healing changes that align you with your true potential. (Individual results vary.)
Free 20 minute phone consultation.
Call me, Randy Shaw, at: (801) 671-5270
Sessions by appointment only.
ZOOM (like SKYPE) sessions available world-wide. Zoom sessions can be as effective as in-person. I’ve worked successfully with people all over the USA and the World. I’ve been successfully helping people via Skype and Zoom since 2006.
Note: I had to let my physical office go because of Covid and because the world moved to ZOOM. For reference to folks I have worked with formerly, my former office for 17 years was: 4885 South 900 East Suite 240, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117
Next Page: The Power of Releasing Negative Feelings
Good news.\: ZOOM sessions are available and productive. I’ve worked successfully with people all over the world. Call me and we can discuss your individual situation.